A place where laughter is a part of life

A place where laughter is a part of life
Photograph: www.bixby.berkeley.edu

27 February 2011

Nigeria is a Health Farm

If you know me well, please make sure you're seated before reading on...

I moved into my house five days ago and I've cooked all but one meal since then (and that was only because we were spoilt with a team dinner at Wakkis on Friday)!  Not only have I cooked, but my diet is overflowing with freshness and health.  Chloe and Stephanie are amazing cooks so I'm learning something new everyday.  As if I'd ever have known to put my fresh white beans in the freezer overnight so I could kill all the bugs?  Let's be honest - I think we can safely assume that I've never even purchased white beans before!  Then today I filled them with water, let the bugs float to the top and presto - clean beans.

Starting today I've also added in a regular exercise program.  I'm committed to doing 5km around our compound track everyday with 10km on Sunday for good measure.  Who knows - maybe I'll even work my way up to a jog? And throw in a few laps of the pool to cool down.

Combine that lifestyle with the fact that I drink roughly two litres of water each day because of the heat and can rarely afford evil treats like alcohol, chocolate or cheese and the Nigerian Health Farm experience is a clear winner!

Not to mention that there's a regular and reliable source of vitamin D from the sun which also ensures a healthy glow and the sensible working hours mean it's easy to get a solid eight hours sleep each night.

Do I love Nigeria?  Absolutely yes!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the posting - you're doing a fantastic job of allowing us to experience what you're experiencing - even though we're many miles away. BTW - done the AFrican experience for 37 years so I get it.
